My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
Even if you
have seen the movie My Sister's Keeper with
Cameron Diaz, the movie does not do the book any justice. Just like most of the
books that are turned into movies, the movie is completely different from the
book in some parts of the plot. Personally, I saw the movie first and then read
the book, and even though I enjoyed the movie I fell in love with the book.
My Sister's Keeper is a story about what
happens when a family finds out that their daughter has acute promelocytic
leukemia, a blood and bone marrow cancer. Along with that it shows the struggle
of the youngest sister, Anna, and how she was created to be a "savior
sister". Anna was made to save Kate's life, but Anna was never asked if
she wanted to do this. Anna tries to find a way out of it and that is when she
seeks the help of Campbell, who helps Anna sue for the rights to her own body.
A couple of plot twist happen during the story which leads up to a big surprise
ending. The ending surprised me - I truly did not see it coming. In the end
someone lives and someone passes away but the question is who?
If you think you have made your mind
up on a very controversial subject, like the one in the book, be prepared for
Jodi Picoult's way with words to try and change your mind. Jodi Picoult shows both
sides of a subject and really makes you think about it from another point of
view. The way she does this in this book is by telling the story from the point
of view of each character, and seeing how they react to different things
throughout the story. If you enjoy realistic reading material then you will
truly enjoy this book as much as I did. I give it a ten out of ten and a great
read to start off your new year.