The Fault in Our Stars
John Green
Fault in Our Stars by John Green has gained so much popularity over the last few
years, that I figured I simply had go read it. After hearing claims that this
book would be life changing, I was excited to say the least. I don't usually
find myself picking up books like this, so this was all new to me.
found that I had just enough motivation by the end to finish it. I felt as
though some of the characters were oddly forced, and while the situations that
the characters faced over the course of the book were heart wrenching, I just
didn't feel attached to the people going through the terrible circumstances.
Maybe it was just the fact that I had such high hopes, but I felt slightly let
down by the end.
I wasn't thrilled by the characters, John Green sets a very real picture of
what it might be like to be a teen struggling with cancer. The imagery was
vivid enough to mask some extremely flat characters, and it will definitely
look for the movie adaptation in theaters this year.
can't help but feel that I was an odd case out with all of the good responses
this has gotten. Perhaps another go would change my mind, but as of now, I
would rate The Fault in Our Stars a